Living In the Spirit
Living in the Spirit from Ted Stuckey on Vimeo.
Just food for thought and to give everyone reading this post encouragement for today and everyday for that matter. Imagine the possibilities if each and every one of us living in this world today would spend only 10-15 minutes a day reading God's holy words of truth ? Sadly, most don’t, won’t or ever will. The biggest question is - are YOU willing to do that ?
Could all this hate, violence, prejudice, bias, fear, worry and anger in this world ever be substantially reduced ? The biggest question is could YOUR anger, fear,hate,worry,anxieties, prejudice, bias, and guilt be put to rest ?
The power of God's words of Truth, Peace, Love, Joy, and Comfort are there just for the asking - so all You need to do is accept and receive them into your heart. i pray You find blessings in these verses.
May the peace of God be with you each and every day !!
Just for today let these 20 verses fill your heart !! Then download an additional 60 verses in PDF format by signing up below !